Sopa de queso cheddar y brócoli

20 min prep time
15 min cook time
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Recipe by Robyn Webb Origen The American Diabetes Association Diabetes Comfort Food Cookbook Photo by Renee Comet
Cheddar Cheese and Broccoli Soup

Cómo hacer Sopa de queso cheddar y brócoli

En mi opinión, la sopa reconfortante más satisfactoria es la cremosa y con queso. Cuando era niño, la sopa de queso cheddar y brócoli siempre fue un alimento básico en nuestra cocina; sin embargo, esta versión se ha reducido considerablemente.

20 min prep time
15 min cook time
1 cup
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Recorta y pela los tallos del brócoli. Corta 15 ramilletes pequeños. Pica el brócoli restante en trozos grandes para obtener 2 tazas.
  2. Escalda el brócoli picado y los ramilletes en agua hirviendo hasta que estén de color verde brillante, unos 2 minutos. Escúrrelas y colócalas a un lado.
  3. Calienta el aceite de oliva en una cacerola mediana a fuego medio. Saltea la cebolla y el apio hasta que estén blandos, unos 5 minutos. Agrega la harina y cocina por 1 minuto. Agrega el caldo y la leche. Cocina, revolviendo constantemente, hasta que la mezcla hierva a fuego lento y se espese, aproximadamente 5 minutos.
  4. Agrega el brócoli picado, el queso, la pimienta, la nuez moscada y la sal. Remueve hasta que el queso se derrita y la sopa se caliente, unos 3 minutos. Adorna cada tazón con los ramilletes de brócoli reservados.

Información Nutricional

5 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 cup
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 205
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 8g 10%
    • Grasa Saturada 3.5g 18%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 20mg 7%
  • Sodium 490mg 21%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 20g 7%
    • Dietary Fiber 12g 43%
    • Total Sugars 3g
  • Proteína 17g 34%
1 lbs
aceite de oliva
1 tbsp
onion, chopped
celery stalk, chopped
harina para todo uso
2 tbsp
chicken broth, reduced-sodium
1 can
milk, evaporated fat-free
12-ounce can
reduced-fat cheddar cheese (such as Cabot’s 50% reduced-fat cheddar)
1 1/4 cup
black pepper, freshly ground
1/2 tsp
nutmeg salt, to taste
1/4 tsp

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This is pretty tasty and so easy to make. I followed the directions, but omitted the nutmeg. It wasn't quite as creamy as I like, so at the end, while it was heating through, I added 1 tsp of cornstarch and mixed it with just enough cold water to dissolve it. Added it to the soup, gave it a stir, and let it simmer another minute or so and it was perfect for me. The soup was creamy and rich, and the family liked it too. Will be making this often.
1 tsp of cornstarch added 2 calories and <2g carbs to each 1C serving.


Made this yesterday. My only complaint is that if you use a different type of broth (not in a can) it would be helpful to know how much to use in ounces. I assumed 14.5oz. Otherwise it ends up a very tasty soup and not that hard to make. Obviously cooking times vary based on the stove you use. Also it would be helpful to discuss HOW to blanch broccoli. I had to look it up. Good soup though, when it was done.

One last thing, 1 cup is a small serving size. 1.25c is more usual, so to me this is a 4 serving recipe.