Recipe by
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Photo by
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Cómo hacer Horneado de Pollo con Queso, Coles de bruselas y Champiñones
15 minprep time
25 mincook time
2 cups
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Instrucciones paso a paso:
Precalienta el horno a 375°F (191°C).
Calienta una sartén a prueba de horno a fuego medio y añade aceite de oliva. Añadir cebolla, coles de bruselas, pollo, champiñones, aderezo italiano, sal, y pimienta. Cocina, removiendo ocasionalmente, hasta que los vegetales estén tiernos y el pollo esté casi cocido en su totalidad, por unos 10 minutos.
Retira del fuego y rocía con crema y cubre con los quesos.
Coloca la sartén en el horno y hornea hasta que el queso haga burbujas, por 10-15 minutos.
A suggested starch on the side would have been helpful to make a meal not just for diabetics but for the whole family.
Double the recipe, the current portions are a bit small for a meal that you can pretty much eat as much as you want without running your sugar up.
Yes, I recommend
This was surprisingly great! Definitely be liberal with the seasonings though—I added some red pepper flakes and Cajun seasoning for color and heat. I bulked up the veggie count with 12 oz of chopped fresh green beans, and it was really nice. Also don’t be afraid to use half and half instead of heavy cream if that’s what you have on hand. It worked just fine!
Yes, I recommend
Would taste better with broccoli instead and maybe even bacon added.
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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Double the recipe, the current portions are a bit small for a meal that you can pretty much eat as much as you want without running your sugar up.