Panecillos de Rollo de carne con Cobertura de Batata

20 min prep time
50 min cook time
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Recipe by Lara Rondinelli Hamilton, RD, LDN, CDE and Jennifer Bucko Lamplough Origen The Diabetes Cookbook Photo by Mittera
Meatloaf Muffins with Sweet Potato Topping

Cómo hacer Panecillos de Rollo de carne con Cobertura de Batata

Esta comida saludable es super fácil y deliciosa. Sin mencionar que: se hornea más rápido que un rollo grande de carne debido al tamaño más pequeño de un panecillo.

20 min prep time
50 min cook time
1 muffin
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 425°F (220°C). Cubre una cacerola para panecillos con capacillos.
  2. Limpia las batatas y trínchalas varias veces con un tenedor. Hornea las batatas en el horno durante 20 minutos. Retira las batatas del horno y colócalas en el microondas durante unos 5 minutos adicionales o hasta que estén suaves. Retira la piel de las batatas y colócalas dentro de un tazón mediano. Machácalas con un pasapurés y bate con la margarina. Mezcla bien.
  3. En un tazón mediano, mezcla los ingredientes del rollo de carne.
  4. Vierte aproximadamente 1/4 de taza de la mezcla del rollo de carne con una cuchara dentro de cada capacillo. Hornea por 25 minutos.
  5. Cubre cada panecillo de rollo de carne cocido con una cuchara de batatas.

Información Nutricional

12 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 muffin
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 150
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 5g 6%
    • Grasa Saturada 1.4g 7%
    • Grasas Trans 0.1g
  • Cholesterol 50mg 17%
  • Sodium 100mg 4%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 15g 5%
    • Dietary Fiber 2g 7%
    • Total Sugars 4g
  • Proteína 11g 22%
  • Potasio 350mg 7%
  • Phosphorous 130mg
2 (about 24 oz total)
margarina (trans-fat-free)
1 tbsp
pavo molido magro
20 oz
huevos (slightly beaten)
chile en polvo
1 tbsp
pimienta negra
1/4 tsp
polvo de ajo
1 tsp
cebolla(s) (finely diced)
1/3 cup
harina de maíz o avena (gluten-free oats if following gluten-free diet)
1/2 cup
salsa de tomate
2 tbsp

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The meat part may turn out more moist if you do not finely dice, just chop the onion and mix. Also added chopped red pepper. You could probably grill as you would hamburger or turkey burgers and cut in quarters or something like that.

Not sure you need a muffin cup.

The sweet potatoes really are a nice touch. I will make it again.


i made these for me and my hubby they are great. froze the leftovers for another meal. i would make again. i did add a little ginger and nutmeg to the sweet potatoes. we loved them and because we are two it makes the next meal easy just remove from freezer and heat


i highly recommend this one its really good and easy to freeze its just the two of us so i popped the leftovers in the freezer and now i have another meal ready to heat and eat we both really liked and i will make it again added it as a part of my regular recipes


This is the best meatloaf muffins. Decided to try it on hubby, he loved them. I made with all ingredients but added some parsley flakes also. The aroma and texture were perfect. Will be making again.