Pollo con salsa de piña y naranja mandarina

20 min prep time
16 min cook time
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Recipe by Robyn Webb Origen The Smart Shopper Diabetes Cookbook Photo by Renée Comet
Chicken With Pineapple Mandarin Orange Salsa

Cómo hacer Pollo con salsa de piña y naranja mandarina

La autora del libro de cocina, Robyn Webb, comenta: "Cuando era niña, no me gustaba mucho la fruta fresca. Pero las mandarinas enlatadas siempre me entusiasmaban y tengo un cálido recuerdo de un pequeño tazón de cristal cortado que mi madre utilizaba para servir los pequeños gajos de naranja. Por supuesto, he ampliado mi repertorio de frutas, pero sigo pensando que las mandarinas son una fruta muy versátil. En este caso, una sencilla salsa aderezada con coco tropical se combina bien con unas pechugas de pollo asadas con sabor a comino".

20 min prep time
16 min cook time
1 breast, 1/2 cup salsa
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Cubre una charola con papel de aluminio. Precalentar el horno a 375°F (191°C). Combina todos los ingredientes de la salsa en un tazón. Cubre y refrigeraa durante 1 hora.
  2. Mientras tanto, quita el exceso de grasa de las pechugas de pollo. Combina el comino, el chile en polvo, la sal y la pimienta. Frota cada pieza de pollo con las especias.
  3. Calienta el aceite en una sartén grande a fuego medio-alto. Añadir el pollo y dóralo por ambos lados durante un total de 10 minutos. Añadir el pollo a la charola preparada. Cúbrelo sin apretar con papel de aluminio o papel encerado. Continúa cocinando las pechugas de pollo hasta que estén bien cocidas, unos 6 a 7 minutos.
  4. Pon la salsa a temperatura ambiente. Sirve el pollo cocido con la salsa.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 breast, 1/2 cup salsa
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 225
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 8g 10%
    • Grasa Saturada 2.3g 12%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 65mg 22%
  • Sodium 190mg 8%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 14g 5%
    • Dietary Fiber 2g 7%
    • Total Sugars 11g
  • Proteína 25g 50%
  • Potasio 390mg 8%
  • Phosphorous 200mg
pineapple tidbits packed in their own juice (well drained)
1 cup
mandarinas envasadas en agua o jugo (well drained, coarsely chopped)
1 cup
cebolla verde (cebolleta) (white part only, minced)
pimiento rojo (minced)
1/4 cup
unsweetened coconut flakes
1 1/2 tbsp
hojuelas de pimiento rojo triturado
1/4 tsp
pechugas de pollo (boneless, skinless)
1 lbs
ground cumin
1 tsp
mild or hot chili powder
1 tsp
Sal kosher
1/4 tsp
freshly ground black pepper to taste
aceite vegetal
1 tbsp

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I made this for dinner tonight and it was wonderful. I baked the chicken with the spices on them in the oven for the entire cooking time and it came out so juicy. The salsa was definitely the front runner in this dish. It was so light and tropical. It would also be delicious on a piece of firm fish. Since my husband had his stroke last month and we found out that he is also a diabetic, I have lived on this website. I am truly blessed for the recipes and helpful information.


I really like this recipe my who family did even my grandchildren (6yrs & 8yrs.) I did not omit anything, but I did use olive oil instead of vegetable oil and added extra1/2 tbsp more of unsweetened coconut flakes, and with the green onions, I used the whole green onions, I put the white part of the onion in the salsa and used the green part for a garnish on top. It smells really good the looks amazing it's so colorful and bright.and very tasty. Since I have found this recipe it was in June and I'm writing this the last of July and have made it four-time so yes it is a hit I tried it with roast pork too and it was really good with the pork roast too.
The recipe was very clear and very easy to follow also. Try this you won't be sorry.