
Pollo a la naranja dulce en una sartén

10 prep time
20 cook time
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Recipe by Splenda® Photo by Splenda®
One Skillet Sweet Orange Chicken

Cómo hacer Pollo a la naranja dulce en una sartén

¿Pasas demasiado tiempo lavando los platos por la noche? Deberías probar este pollo dulce a la naranja en una sartén para tu próxima cena. A diferencia de muchas salsas de naranja tradicionales, esta sabrosa salsa de naranja está endulzada con el endulzante de fruta de monje Splenda® sin calorías, por lo que no contiene azúcares añadidos. Este plato puede funcionar con cualquier verdura, así que siéntete libre de cambiar el brócoli por pimientos morrones, calabacines o lo que quieras.

10 prep time
20 cook time
4 oz chicken, 1 cup vegetables
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Vierta la salsa sobre las verduras y el pollo. ¡Revuelve, sirve y disfruta!

  2. Vuelva a rociar la sartén y agregue la cebolla y el brócoli. Saltee hasta que las verduras estén doradas en los bordes pero aún crujientes. Vuelva a colocar el pollo en la sartén con las verduras.

  3. Sazone la pechuga de pollo con 1/4 de cucharadita de sal. Rocíe una sartén grande con aceite en aerosol antiadherente y caliéntela a fuego medio-alto. Una vez que la sartén esté caliente, agregue el pollo y saltee hasta que esté ligeramente dorado y bien cocido. Retire el pollo a un plato.

  4. Para hacer la salsa de naranja, mezcle los primeros 8 ingredientes en un tazón pequeño, incluido 1/4 de cucharadita de sal kosher.


Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    4 oz chicken, 1 cup vegetables
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 230
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 7g 9%
    • Grasa Saturada 1.2g 6%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 65mg 22%
  • Sodium 410mg 18%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 16g 6%
    • Dietary Fiber 3g 11%
    • Total Sugars 9g
    • Added Sugars 0g 0%
  • Proteína 28g
  • Potasio 620mg 13%
  • Phosphorous 265mg
naranja (ralladura y jugo de naranja)
1 med
Splenda® Endulzante Granulado de Fruta del Monje
1/4 cup
aceite de aguacate
1 tbsp
Mostaza de Dijon
1 tbsp
vinagre balsámico
1/2 tbsp
ajo (rallado)
3 clove
jengibre fresco (rallado)
1/4 tsp
Sal kosher (dividido)
1/2 tsp
pechugas de pollo deshuesadas y sin piel (cortar en trozos)
1 lbs
cebollas dulces o cebollas rojas (cortar en trozos grandes)
floretes de brócoli
4 cup

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 4 Results

Easy to make and delicious!

This recipe was easy to make and very adaptable. I used an orange for the sauce and then mandarin oranges to add to the dish. My husband and I thought it was very tasty! We will make it again!


Great recipe- it's going into our cycle of yummiest dishes!
I doubled the recipe and prepped most ahead if time. I cooked the chicken in a large skillet, made the sauce, and chopped the onion and broccoli- also added a bell pepper just for giggles.
I stored everything in the fridge until this evening when I cooked. I had to use my soup pot because there were so many veggies but it worked great. I accidently quadrupled the garlic and powdered ginger but it might have been a bit bland otherwise.
My hubby asked for seconds right away.
I'm really happy with this meal!!


The recipe was good but not great, it needed something more orange flavor, different or more vegetables. I might make changes and try it again.


Made this last night with my boyfriend on our date night. We were both shocked at how absolutely delicious it was and filling as well. We did add green and red sweet peppers to it. We didn't need rice or any other side to fill us up. The orange zest and juice paired very nicely with the fresh ginger. Before we had tasted it I thought based on my taste pallet that it was going to need pepper or some other seasoning but it absolutely did not! This is definitely going in the family recipe book to do again!