
Pollo Teriyaki horneado

15 min prep time
25 min cook time
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Recipe by Splenda® Photo by Splenda®
Baked Teriyaki Chicken

Cómo hacer Pollo Teriyaki horneado

Esta receta de pollo favorita por los fanáticos puede ser preparada en casa en solo unos minutos con solo un puñado de ingredientes. La salsa está hecha con Endulzante granulado Splenda® en vez de azúcar para un equilibrio perfecto de dulzor y sabor con menos calorías y carbohidratos. Lo hace un estupendo acompañante de granos enteros como arroz integral o quinoa y muchos tipos de vegetales sin almidón.

Esta receta es traída para ti por Splenda, orgulloso promotor de la American Diabetes Association y del Diabetes Food Hub.
15 min prep time
25 min cook time
3 oz chicken
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 425°F (218°C). Rocía una fuente para horno de 13 x 9 con rociador para cocinar.
  2. En una cacerola, bate la fécula de maíz y el agua fría hasta que esté suave. Bate el Endulzante Splenda, salsa de soya, vinagre, ajo, jengibre, y pimienta. Lleva a cocción lenta a fuego bajo y cocina, revolviendo frecuentemente, hasta que la salsa espese y haga burbujas.
  3. Coloca el pollo en la fuente para horno preparada y cepilla con la salsa teriyaki. Voltea el pollo, y cepíllalo otra vez.
  4. Hornea por 15 minutos. Voltea el pollo y hornéalo hasta que el pollo ya no esté rosado y los jugos pasen normalmente cuando sea perforado con la punta de un cuchilo para de mondar (20 a 30 minutos de tiempo total de horneado, dependiendo del tamaño). Cepíllalo con la salsa cada 10 minutos durante el horneado.

Información Nutricional

12 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    3 oz chicken
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 170
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 3.5g 4%
    • Grasa Saturada 1g 5%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 80mg 27%
  • Sodium 440mg 19%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 3g 1%
    • Dietary Fiber 0g 0%
    • Total Sugars 1g
    • Added Sugars 0g 0%
  • Proteína 30g
  • Potasio 560mg 12%
  • Phosphorous 230mg
1 tbsp
cold water
1 tbsp
Splenda® Endulzante Granulado
1/2 cup
salsa de soja baja en sodio
1/2 cup
Vinagre de sidra de manzana
1/4 cup
ajo (minced)
1 clove
queso feta
1/2 tsp
pimienta negra
1/4 tsp
boneless, skinless chicken breasts
3 lbs

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Showing 4 of 9 Results


I tripled my sauce without knowing it was gonna have a KICK of spice to it. I am a beginner at cooking so I don’t have much experience with ginger but it really made my throat feel minty? Anyways, if you’re not a fan of tangy sour spice, don’t recommend the teriyaki sauce. I’m more of a sweet tooth person. Also make sure to only baked that chicken for 30-40 mins at most, mine went dry and the sauce didn’t save it.


I made this using pre-shredded/torn apart (frozen then thawed) rotisserie chicken (no skin). I made the sauce using 4 TBSP. granulated sugar (could reduce sugar even more or eliminate it or substitute with raw honey...it was plenty sweet). I made this like a stir-fry in the electric skillet. I browned the rotisserie chicken just a bit with EV olive oil cooking spray, added in 1 sliced red bell pepper, 1 bag frozen whole green beans, 1 largely diced yellow onion. Made the sauce on the stove until thick and poured it over the chicken and vegetables. Added 1 cup water. Steamed for about 10 min. covered at 400, stirring occasionally. Uncovered and cooked until most of the water was evaporated. I also cooked 1 small carton of sliced mushrooms on the side with 1/2 TBSP. EV Olive Oil (kids don't like mushrooms). Served all over a small portion of brown rice. Next time I will try it with browned/crisped cubed chicken breast. The stir-fry style allows for a lot of variations with the vegetables. Sauce was good and easy to make. Kid approved!


Loved this teriyaki sauce, I couldn't even tell it wasn't made with real sugar. I made this for my family and they really love it. I was surprised at how much flavor this had but I should have read the comments before I made it because yes it needs to have a double recipe for the sauce so that you can make a separate batch of it to pour on you chicken, rice, and veggies after it's done like a sauce. Going to keep this recipe as my go to for teriyaki sauce


I agree with the other review on doubling your sauce. I chose to pair this with honey roasted carrots I found on this site as well. It turned out amazing!