Stroganoff de Carne de res

15 min prep time
15 min cook time
A bowl of diabetes-friendly beef stroganoff

Cómo hacer Stroganoff de Carne de res

Acá está una versión amigable con los diabéticos del clásico Carne de res stroganoff. Ahórrate el tiempo de preparación con esta receta comprando champiñones rebanados previamente.

15 min prep time
15 min cook time
1/5 of recipe
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Cocina los fideos según las instrucciones del paquete, omitiendo la sal.
  2. Añadir aceite a una cazuela grande a fuego alto. Añadir la carne y saltéala por unos 3 minutos. Retira la carne de la cazuela. Añadir champiñones y cebolla y saltear durante 5 minutos o hasta que comiencen a dorarse.
  3. Añadir la harina y cocina durante 1 minuto. Añadir el vino para desglasar la cazuela; cocina durante 2 minutos. Añadir la mostaza Dijon y el caldo de res; lleva a ebullición. Reduce el fuego y cocina a fuego lento por 5 minutos.
  4. Añadir la res y cualquier jugo de vuelta al caldo y cocina a fuego lento por 3 minutos más. Añadir la crema agria, sal (opcional), y pimienta; cocina a fuego lento durante 30 segundos.
  5. Sirve sobre fideos de huevo integrales.

Información Nutricional

5 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1/5 of recipe
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 275
  • Grasa Total 7g
    • Grasa Saturada 2.3g
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 50mg
  • Sodium 250mg
  • Carbohidratos Totales 29g
    • Dietary Fiber 4g
    • Total Sugars 3g
    • Added Sugars 0g
  • Proteína 23g
  • Potasio 265mg
  • Phosphorous 0mg
Ronzoni Healthy Harvest Whole Grain egg noodles (uncooked)
5 oz
aceite de oliva
2 tsp
solomillo de ternera (sliced into 2-inch strips)
1 lbs
champiñones blancos (botón) (sliced)
1 1/2 cup
cebolla(s) (minced)
1/2 med
harina para todo uso
1 tbsp
dry white wine
1/2 cup
Mostaza de Dijon
1 tsp
fat free, low sodium beef broth
14 1/2 oz
fat-free sour cream
1/2 cup
sal (optional)
1/4 tsp
pimienta negra
1/4 tsp

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Tried this one and even messed up the amount of white wine (and had to compensate with slightly less beef broth) but even with that mistake, it was very good. That said, the prep time is misleading since making pasta involves getting a big pasta pot boiling and that takes forever, AND then there is the prep time for the onion, mushroom, and beef tips. So it took me longer, but it was worth it.

Also you have to do the recipe pretty quickly, those mushrooms don't last long and at the store there were no "beef tips" precisely but rather beef sirloin. Got kind of confused there. No doubt this is my inexperience talking but it all worked out very well. I saved 4/5 of it (because I'm single) and put them in glass jars to freeze with the beef on the bottom and the cooked noodles on the top. Microwave, and if anything they're even better.


I haven’t tried this yet. I was wondering what I could use instead of the dry white wine. Any suggestions?


Is there a way to reduce the sodium count?


Stroganof is my husband's favorite. He loved this. I added a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce to add some zing.