Slideshow: 10 Low-Carb Fruit Recipes

As the end of summer approaches, most fruit varieties reach their peak. This means that prices at the grocery store or farmers market go down, while the fresh flavor goes up. There’s not a better time to stock up and take advantage of recipes that lean on fruit to add complex flavors or a touch of sweetness. And while it’s always wise to keep an eye on the carb content, the fiber- and vitamin-rich profile of most fruits mean you can indulge a little while keeping carb counts diabetes friendly.

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Planning for a Picnic Warm weather is a great time to move the meal outdoors. But as you pack your basket and plan for a healthy, diabetes-friendly meal in the open air, there are some tips and tricks you can use to keep your meal savory, safe, and successful. Whether your family is planning a beach trip, picnic, or reunion, food is usually involved. Before you hit the road for your next outing, remember these tips to keep your food fresh while also keeping you and your loved ones healthy and safe.
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Ask the Experts: Focus on Food Safety

Because foodborne bacteria thrive and multiply more quickly in warmer temperatures, cases of food poisoning can spike during summer. This is likely because bacteria multiply faster in warmer temperatures, and preparing food outdoors makes safe food handling more difficult.

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