Bandeja de Pollo, Frijoles verdes y Papas

10 min prep time
30 min cook time
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Recipe by DaVita Photo by DaVita
Sheet Pan Chicken, Green Beans & Potatoes

Cómo hacer Bandeja de Pollo, Frijoles verdes y Papas

Esta comida familiar amigable con el bolsillo está hecha con solo 6 ingredientes y una bandeja plana para una limpieza mínima. Perfecta para noches de semana ocupadas cuando necesitas tener la cena en la mesa en menos de 30 minutos. Puedes utilizar cualquier vegetal fresco o congelado. La mezcla de aderezo italiano es un estupendo "atajo" para un aderezo, pero puedes utilizar otros aderezos que tengas a mano.

Esta receta incluye un paso para "blanquear" las papas un proceso que reduce el potasio. Esto es útil para las personas que manejan enfermedad renal o de otro modo en una dieta restringuida de potasio. Si no necesitas limitar el potasio, puedes saltar este paso. Si no se blanquea, el contenido de potasio es de 765 mg por porción.
10 min prep time
30 min cook time
1/4 recipe
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Rocía una bandeja plana de 9 x 13 pulgadas con rociador para cocinar. Coloca las tiras de pollo crudo hacia abajo en 1/3 de la bandeja. Coloca las papas hacia abajo en otro 1/3 de la bandeja. Finalmente, coloca los frijoles verdes congelados en el último 1/3 de la bandeja.
  2. Hornea por 20 a 30 minutos. Chequea la cocción del pollo después de 20 minutos.
  3. Derrite la mantequilla y rocíala toda la bandeja de pollo, papas y frijoles verdes. Rocía la mezcla seca aderezo italiano sobre toda la bandeja.
  4. Para "blanquear" las papas: Coloca las papas picadas en una bandeja grande y cúbrelas completamente con agua. Lleva a ebullición, luego drénalas. Vuelve a llenar con agua las papas, para cubrirlas por 1 pulgada. Lleva a ebullición de nuevo y hierve por 10 minutos. Escúrrelas y mézclalas con 1 cucharadita de aceite de oliva antes de añadirlas a la bandeja plana.
    **Este paso es opcional y ayuda a reducir el contenido de potasio de las papas para las personas con una dieta estricta de potasio.
  5. Precalienta el horno a 400°F (204°C).

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1/4 recipe
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 330
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 17g 22%
    • Grasa Saturada 8g 40%
    • Grasas Trans 0.5g
  • Cholesterol 100mg 33%
  • Sodium 310mg 13%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 19g 7%
    • Dietary Fiber 2.5g 9%
    • Total Sugars 1g
    • Added Sugars 0g
  • Proteína 25g 50%
  • Potasio 545mg 12%
  • Phosphorous 280mg
mezcla de aderezo italiano
1 tbsp
unsalted butter
4 tbsp
frozen cut green beans
10 oz
solomillos de pollo
16 oz
aceite de oliva
1 tsp
patatas rojas (chopped into bite-sized pieces)
2 med

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This recipe is delicious, easy to make, doesn't take long to prepare and cook, and it's healthy! Can't beat that!


My husband and I thought this recipe was really great!

I did not leach the potatoes and cut them in about 1-inch cubes. This was too big for only cooking 30 minutes. I added an additional 15 minutes. Next time I'll make smaller.

I used canned green beans draining off the juice. I also chopped up an onion (1 tablespoon) and chopped up a piece of precooked bacon and scattered on top the beans.

It was really great. Will be making this again!


I had a great experience with this recipe. I followed the ingredient list and directions but used Country Crock's Plant Based Butter (Olive Oil).
I think it was important to use tenderloins as they are smaller and will cook in the time alotted with the smaller cubed potatoes and frozen beans. The seasoning was great, though I would encourage a quick brine of the chicken cause that's always nice.
Everything smelled great while cooking, looked great when it came out, saved in the warming drawer (covered w foil) for my daughter who came home late, will totally make this again. Everyone enjoyed. Clean-up is a breeze. You can do it!
Also, to the American Diabetes Association, thank you for this website and all your helpful information. I have donated because of how helpful and easy to use you have made this Diabetes Food Hub. Nicely done and thank you.


I made this last night. I parboiled the potatoes (each red potato cut in 1/2 then in 1/3, so 6 pieces for each) and I used fresh green beans. At about the 5 minute mark of potato boiling I added the green beans since the green beans were long when I strained the water almost all the green beans came out first so I separated them. I then finished draining the potatoes. I put potatoes back in the pan put the teaspoon of oil on the potatoes and mixed them with Ranch dressing mix. I covered the baking sheet with parchment paper and sprayed it with the cooking spray. I put the potatoes on the parchment paper in the center. I had a 1 lb chicken breast (while potatoes and bean boiled) I cut it into 4 pieces. I washed and dried the chicken. Then I put the Italian dressing seasoning on each piece. What was left of the seasoning I sprinkled on the green beans. I poured the unsalted butter over the top everything brushing it with a basting brush. I did not end up needing 4 Tbsp in fact I used about 2 1/2 Tbsp. I cooked it for 20 minutes. It was really good. The chicken did not brown in the 20 minutes and it was a bit dry but the flavor was there. I will cook chicken less next time. But it was very good. Easy clean up. All I had to do was pick up paper and throw in trash and rinse pan.. This was quick and easy and I had all the ingredients. I will definitely cook again.