Coloca la pechuga de pollo en una bolsa plástica y aplánalo con un mazo.
Calienta el aceite de oliva a fuego medio alto en una sartén.
Cubre el pollo en harina por ambos lados. Añadir el pollo a la cacerola y saltear por 5 minutos por lado. Retira el pollo de la sartén y colócalo a un lado.
Derrite la margarina en la cacerola. Añadir los champiñones y los pimientos y cocina durante 5 minutos. Añadir el vinagre balsámico a la cacerola y llévalo a ebullición para reducir el líquido.
Añadir el caldo de pollo a la cacerola y cocina a fuego lento por 2 minutos más. Añadir el caldo de pollo de vuelta a la cacerola y cocina a fuego lento durante 5 minutos.
I only get raves and requests for the future with this recipe. I’ve made it several times and I usually add any leftover veggies at an end with the chicken broth. I have served this over noodles instead of rice, one of the guests doesn’t eat rice.
Yes, I recommend
Loved this! Added onion and a variety of peppers only because I had some that needed to be used up. All flavors went great together and I served it on a bed of brown rice. I used the balsamic vinegar, it has only natural sugar and no added sugars which does make a difference. I would ask for the website to change the balsamic vinegar ingredient if it is a problem regarding the glycemic index for diabetics as this is crucial and I'm really relying on the website to have healthy recipes without worries while consuming. I love the recipes. We enjoyed this with the apple crisp recipe ????
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Not recommended