Pollo Dijon con Calabacín y Tomates

10 min prep time
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Dijon Chicken w/ Zucchini & Tomatoes

Cómo hacer Pollo Dijon con Calabacín y Tomates

Este platillo de pollo iría estupendo servido sobre quinua. La quinua es un grano entero sin gluten que está lleno de proteínas y se cocina en unos 15 minutos. Ahora puedes encontrarlo en la mayoría de las tiendas de víveres.

10 min prep time
1 chicken breast plus 3/4 cup vegetables
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 350°F (177°C). Cubre un molde para hornear grande con aceite en aerosol. En un tazón pequeño, combina el calabacín, tomates, aceite de oliva, 1/8 cdita. de pimienta negra y mezclar para cubrir. Reserva.
  2. En otro tazón pequeño mezcla el jugo de limón y la mostaza Dijon. Reserva
  3. Condimenta las pechugas de pollo por ambos lados con 1/8 de cdita. de pimienta, ajo en polvo y orégano. Coloca las pechugas de pollo en un molde para hornear y con ayuda de una brocha esparce la mostaza en la parte superior del pollo. Espolvoréalas con queso parmesano.
  4. Vierte el calabacín y los tomates alrededor del pollo en el molde para hornear. Hornea por 30 minutos o hasta que estén cocidas.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 chicken breast plus 3/4 cup vegetables
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 205
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 7g 9%
    • Grasa Saturada 1.6g 8%
  • Cholesterol 65mg 22%
  • Sodium 265mg 12%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 8g 3%
    • Dietary Fiber 2g 7%
  • Proteína 27g
rociador para cocinar antiadherente
medium zucchini (cut into 1/4-inch rounds)
Tomates de uva
10 oz
aceite de oliva
1 tbsp
pimienta negra (ground, divided)
1/4 tsp
limón (juiced)
Mostaza de Dijon
2 tbsp
pechugas de pollo (4-ounce each, boneless, skinless)
sal (optional)
1/2 tsp
polvo de ajo
1/2 tsp
Orégano seco (dried)
1 tsp
queso parmesano (freshly grated )
1 tbsp

Reseñas y Calificaciones

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 5 Results


I used thighs instead of breasts, and baked it at 425 rather than 350. That solves pretty much all of the problems people are having with the dish. The chicken will be more flavorful and jucier, and the veg will be properly baked and crisp. Next time, I might season the zucchini with the same mix used on the chicken. Either way, I'll definitely be making this again.


The only change to this recipe I made was using chicken tenders and it needed to be baked for an additional 20 minutes. It was delicious, easy and will be favorite at my dinner table

Not recommended

The recipe definitely leaves something to be desired.. it’s not terrible, however it needs a few modifications to actually be worthwhile. The veggies need extra seasoning to actually retain some type of flavor. I think next time I’ll toss them in the Dijon sauce before baking. The chicken was flavorful(I added extra seasoning) however I’d definitely suggest broiling the dish after it’s baked fully to add a crisp to the chicken. Also, 30 minutes wasn’t long enough to fully cook the chicken. I did 45 min and it was perfect. Also, the oil and cooked down chicken leave a broth in the pan so it definitely won’t get crisp on the bottom. The broiling helped reduce some of the liquid though. All in all it’s not a terrible dish, however it’s definitely underwhelming if the recipe isn’t slightly tweaked.
No, I don’t recommend


Bear in mind I am a rookie when it comes to cooking. Except for using Kraft grated Parmesan cheese - NOT freshly grated cheese -- I followed the directions as stated, but the result was somewhat disappointing. The first thing I noticed was the chicken didn’t look as crispy as the picture, the second was that the chicken was hard and dry (I used Purdue skinless, boneless breast). The taste was good and the vegetables were perfect. For the people that have tried and were successful, please give me some ideas where I might have gone wrong.