Saganaki de Camarones

15 min prep time
15 min cook time
Recipe by Katie Cavuto Origen Whole Cooking and Nutrition Photo by Renee Comet
Shrimp Saganaki

Cómo hacer Saganaki de Camarones

Esta receta rápida y fácil fue inspirada por un viaje que Katie Cavuto tomó a Grecia. Adora los sabores frescos y la simplicidad de los ingredientes. Esta receta utiliza muchas hierbas para crear el sabor y resaltar los aspectos más suculentos del plato. ¡Es deliciosa!

15 min prep time
15 min cook time
4–5 shrimp, 1/2 cup sauce, and 1/2 ounce cheese
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Calienta el aceite de oliva en una sartén grande a fuego medio alto. Añadir la cebolla, ajo, y hojuelas de pimienta roja, y cocina por unos 5 minutos, o hasta que la cebolla esté suave.
  2. Añadir los camarones, tomates, aceitunas, caldo, y orégano, y cocina durante 3-5 minutos, revolviendo ocasionalmente, hasta que los camarones estén rosados y casi completamente opacos. Añadir el eneldo, perejil, y feta, y cocina por 1-2 minutos para cocinarlo bien.
  3. Retira la sartén del fuego. Condimenta con sal y pimienta y sirve caliente.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    4–5 shrimp, 1/2 cup sauce, and 1/2 ounce cheese
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 170
  • Grasa Total 8g
    • Grasa Saturada 1.8g
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 125mg
  • Sodium 420mg
  • Carbohidratos Totales 6g
    • Dietary Fiber 2g
    • Total Sugars 2g
    • Added Sugars 0g
  • Proteína 19g
  • Potasio 350mg
  • Phosphorous 230mg
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
1 tbsp
yellow onions (thinly sliced)
3/4 cup
ajo (thinly sliced)
1 clove
hojuelas de pimiento rojo triturado
1/2 tsp
U16–20 shrimp (peeled and deveined (tails left on))
1 lbs
tomates uva o cherry (halved)
1 cup
aceitunas Kalamata (pitted, rinsed)
1/4 cup
caldo de verduras bajo en sodio (low-sodium)
1/2 cup
fresh oregano (chopped)
1 tbsp
eneldo fresco (chopped)
1 tbsp
fresh flat-leaf parsley (chopped)
1 tbsp
queso feta (reduced-fat, crumbled)
2 oz
fine sea salt
1/8 tsp
freshly ground black pepper
1/4 tsp

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This recipe is very, very good! It surprised me how quick it cooked up. I took the idea of adding pita bread with it. Good addition as there is quite a bit of sauce.

Definitely a keeper.


I made this for my friends and me. It was very delicious. The tomato’s cooked down very fast tho. I used all the ingredients and I added broccoli spears for more consistency at the very end. I served it with toasted pita bread and cold cucumber slices w/ranch and Stella Rosa. It’s a keeper.


I cooked this recipe by the book except I left out the olives, as I do not care for them, and used less of the spices, as I had only dry and not fresh.

Both my husband and I really liked this recipe and it was deemed a "keeper". I served it over Hawaiian Black Rice with a pear slice.

It is of restaurant caliber on taste and aroma. The rice used has a crunch to it, so all in all, it was a very satisfying meal.

I would recommend trying this out if you like shrimp. It has a little bit of acidic undertone from the fresh grape tomatoes, but not overwhelmingly tomato-y. I almost added white wine, but glad I did not as the shrimp and broth married well with the bit of acid in the tomatoes and made a lovely sauce.

Definitely will make this again and would not change a thing other than the above mentioned.