Recipe by
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Photo by
Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Cómo hacer Salteado De Camarones, Tomillo Y Limón Con Arroz De Coliflor
Este sabroso salteado de camarones, tomillo y limón utiliza ingredientes aptos para la diabetes, como arroz de coliflor y hierbas frescas, para garantizar que su cena no aumente sus niveles de glucosa (azúcar en la sangre). Disfrute de sabores picantes e ingredientes saludables que le ayudarán a controlar su plan de alimentación para la diabetes sin comprometer el sabor. Puedes personalizar fácilmente este salteado con tu proteína favorita, como el pollo, o una alternativa a base de plantas, como el tofu. Si usa camarones, intente utilizar camarones frescos en lugar de congelados para mantener bajos los niveles de sodio. ¡Pruebe esta receta fácil hoy!
5 minprep time
15 mincook time
approx. 2 cups stir fry
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Instrucciones paso a paso:
En una sartén grande o wok, calienta el aceite de oliva a fuego medio. Agregue las verduras mixtas y las cebollas verdes en rodajas a la sartén. Sofría durante 3 a 4 minutos hasta que las verduras estén tiernas y crujientes.
Agregue el ajo picado y saltee durante 1 a 2 minutos hasta que esté fragante.
Agrega los camarones a la sartén y cocina durante unos 3 a 4 minutos hasta que se pongan rosados y opacos.
Agrega el arroz de coliflor a la sartén. Cocine durante unos 3 a 4 minutos, revolviendo ocasionalmente, hasta que el arroz de coliflor esté tierno.
Agrega la salsa de soja, las hojas frescas de tomillo, el jugo de limón, la sal y la pimienta negra. Revuelva todo para combinar bien y caliente.
Adorne con ramitas de tomillo fresco y rodajas de limón, si lo desea.
First, let me say this: the sauce makes this recipe. It was a great recommendation to use fresh shrimp. And I used Meyers lemons since those lemons are sweeter than regular lemons.
With that out of the way, let me get to this recipe. I made several changes to suit my palate. First, I replace cauliflower rice with quinoa and increased the shrimp by 50%. I also added more veggies than the recipe called for and included mushrooms, multiple colors of bell peppers. I also doubled the sauce since I like lots of flavor.
Overall, it was a beautiful dish. I loved the vibrant colors from the veggies and the sauce was amazing. I also loved the at the recipe kept in the fridge all week, making it easy for me to pack and take for lunch each day.
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Reseñas y Calificaciones
With that out of the way, let me get to this recipe. I made several changes to suit my palate. First, I replace cauliflower rice with quinoa and increased the shrimp by 50%. I also added more veggies than the recipe called for and included mushrooms, multiple colors of bell peppers. I also doubled the sauce since I like lots of flavor.
Overall, it was a beautiful dish. I loved the vibrant colors from the veggies and the sauce was amazing. I also loved the at the recipe kept in the fridge all week, making it easy for me to pack and take for lunch each day.
I would totally make this again :)