Sofrito sencillo de Pollo

10 min prep time
10 min cook time
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Recipe by Jennifer Lamplough Origen Diabetic Cooking Made Simple Photo by Adobe Stock
Simple Chicken Stirfry

Cómo hacer Sofrito sencillo de Pollo

La receta clásica de sofrito es la forma perfecta para hacer una comida saludable, amigable con la diabetes y baja en carbohidratos de cualquier cosa que tengas en el refrigerador o despensa. Calienta una pequeña cantidad de aceite en una sartén (un wok es estupendo, pero cualquier sartén funcionará), arroja algunas proteínas y vegetales, y revuelve. Nuestra versión utiliza pollo como base, pero unas tiras de res, cerdo, o tofu funcionarán igual de bien. Están disponibles algunas mezclas de vegetales para sofreír en la mayoría de las tiendas, pero existen una cantidad de vegetales frescos o congelados que funcionarán perfectamente aquí: especialmente brócoli, arvejas, pimientos morrones, y mazorca nueva. ¡Experimenta y mira! Esta receta fácil es un estupendo sitio para comenzar.
10 min prep time
10 min cook time
1 1/2 cups
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Añadir aceite de oliva a una sartén antiadherente a fuego alto. Añadir los vegetales congelados y saltéalos por 5-7 minutos.
  2. Mientras los vegetales se estén salteando, bate el caldo, salsa de soya, fécula de maíz, ajo y pimienta negra en un tazón hasta que se combinen.
  3. Añadir el pollo y la salsa a la cacerola y saltea otros 5-7 minutos, hasta que el pollo esté bien cocido y la salsa esté espesa.
  4. Sírvelo o déjalo enfriar, luego almacénalo en un recipiente hermético en el refrigerador por hasta 1 semana.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 1/2 cups
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 180
  • Grasa Total 8g
    • Grasa Saturada 1.6g
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 45mg
  • Sodium 380mg
  • Carbohidratos Totales 9g
    • Dietary Fiber 2g
    • Total Sugars 3g
    • Added Sugars 0g
  • Proteína 18g
  • Potasio 530mg
  • Phosphorous 195mg
caldo de pollo bajo en sodio
1 cup
salsa de soja baja en sodio
2 tbsp
2 tsp
ajo (minced or grated)
1 clove
ground black pepper
1/2 tsp
aceite de oliva
1 tbsp
verduras salteadas congeladas
1 (14-oz) bag
pollo cocinado
1 1/2 cup

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 17 Results

Really Good

I made this recipe using fresh Veggies. Broccoli, green onions, bell peppers, garlic. Fresh veggies are always best. I loved the video of this recipe which was a bit different than the written recipe. I had to watch the video several times so I could write my recipe from the video. I will definitely put this recipe in my regular rotation. The sauce was very flavorful. I didn't even miss putting rice in it.


I made a lot of changes to this recipe. I didn't use the frozen stir fry mix because I'm not a fan of carrots. So, I used can corn, fresh broccoli, frozen snap peas, mushrooms and a red bell pepper. I also added brown rice and doubled the sauce since I had so many veggies in it.

The final dish was vibrant with tons of color from the veggies. I appreciated that veggies still had bite.

This definitely took longer than the time on the recipe. I had to cook the chicken, so that added another 30 minutes to the recipe.

This will definitely be a great recipe for me to rotate between lunch and dinner this week.


I made this for my husband and he asked me where I got the recipe. Then he proceeded to tell me “Now, save this recipe and don’t ever lose it”. This website is really helpful. Thank God I found this ❤️


I really liked this recipe. I added ginger to it as well, and it was easy and tasty. However, I did not get 4 servings. I only got 3, and they weren’t even a cup and a half as indicated in the directions. Closer to a cup and a quarter for each of 3 servings. I measured very carefully too.