Cena Distintiva al Sartén

10 min prep time
30 min cook time
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Recipe by Barbara Seelig-Brown Origen Secrets of Healthy Cooking Photo by Renee Comet
Signature Skillet Supper

Cómo hacer Cena Distintiva al Sartén

Barbara Seelig-Brown adora crear recetas versátiles que puedes personalizar para las preferencias de tu familia. Utiliza este concepto básico y cambia los vegetales y el condimento para un sabor distinto cada vez que hagas este plato. También es estupendo porque es un plato de una sola olla. Barbara también recomienda probarlo con pavo molido o búfalo molido, que casi no tiene grasa saturada.

10 min prep time
30 min cook time
1 1/2 cups
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Coloca el aceite de oliva en una cazuela o sartén grande. Añadir la carne, cebollas, y ajo y cocina hasta que la carne esté dorada. Añadir los vegetales y el condimento, y mezcla bien. Añadir los fideos y mezcla bien. Añadir el caldo y suficiente agua para tapar todo.
  2. Lleva a ebullición. Reduce el fuego a medio y cocina hasta que los fideos estén tiernos, por 15 minutos aproximadamente.

Información Nutricional

6 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 1/2 cups
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 285
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 8g 10%
    • Grasa Saturada 2.8g 14%
    • Grasas Trans 0.4g
  • Cholesterol 50mg 17%
  • Sodium 165mg 7%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 28g 10%
    • Dietary Fiber 6g 21%
    • Total Sugars 5g
  • Proteína 23g
  • Potasio 590mg 13%
  • Phosphorous 260mg
Aceite de oliva virgen extra
1 tsp
carne de res molida
1 lbs
cebolla(s) (chopped)
1 cup
ajo (minced)
2 clove
verduras mixtas congeladas
4 cup
togarashi (Japanese pepper blend)
2 tsp
fideos de huevo (uncooked)
3 cup
caldo de carne (low-sodium)
4 cup
1 cup

Reseñas y Calificaciones

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 21 Results

Not recommended

A bit disappointing. Bland bland bland. And the spice just made it spicy hot but not tasty. I followed the recipe exactly and the proportions seemed a bit off. Lots of noodles and couldn't find anything else. It looked like it should have tasted good like stew, but there was no getting around the lack of taste. I thought it would thicken up ended up adding cornstarch to help. I have 4 servings to doctor up to improve on the taste. I deleted this from My Recipes and won't be making it again.
No, I don’t recommend

Not recommended

This was definitely more like a soup with all the broth. It was also very salty and bland. Also made my sugar go sky high for the portion size
No, I don’t recommend


Very tasty, I'm definitely keep this recipe in my regular meal rotation. After reading the reviews I modified the recipe a little. I added the noodles to boiling and cooked the them for about 4 minutes, draining them and reserving some of the pasta water. I cooked and drained the beef and added the onions and garlic to the pan sautéeing them for a few minutes. I added thawed vegetables, beef, noodles and togarashi (purchased from Amazon). I added about 11/2 cups of unsalted beef broth, coverd and cooked (adding pasta water as needed) until noodles were done to my liking.


This was extremely bland. I used whole wheat noodles and ground turkey. After I added worstershire sauce, alot of italian seasoning and some lawrys season all it was pretty good. My kids gobbled it up. Overall a pretty simple and not much to complain about meal.