Recipe by
Lara Rondinelli Hamilton, RD, LDN, CDE and Jennifer Bucko Lamplough
The Diabetes Cookbook
Photo by
Adobe Stock
Cómo hacer Pastitsio (lasaña griega) económico
Esta versión de la lasaña griega es una gran comida familiar que combina bien con una ensalada verde cubierta con un poco de queso feta y un ligero aderezo de ensalada griega.
30 minprep time
60 mincook time
1 slice
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Instrucciones paso a paso:
Precalienta el horno a 350°F (177°C). Cubre una charola de 9x13 pulgadas con aceite en aerosol. Reserva.
Añadir aceite en aerosol a una sartén antiadherente grande. Saltea las cebollas durante 4-5 minutos o hasta que estén translúcidas. Agrega el pavo molido y saltear de 8 a 10 minutos o hasta que el pavo esté bien cocido.
Agrega la canela, el orégano, la sal (opcional), la pimienta negra molida y la salsa de tomate. Remueve para combinar y lleva a fuego lento durante 5-7 minutos o hasta que empiece a espesar.
Incorpora el perejil y coloca a un lado.
Cocina la pasta según las instrucciones del paquete, omitiendo la sal. Escurre y mezcla inmediatamente con la mezcla de pavo. Vierte la mezcla de pasta y pavo en la charola y presiona para que se distribuya uniformemente en la bandeja.
Añadir el aceite de oliva a una sartén pequeña a fuego medio. Incorpora la harina y cocina la harina durante 1-2 minutos, cuidando de no dorarla. Revuelve constantemente.
My family !liked this recipe, this is a good pasta option.
Yes, I recommend
I am partial to this recipe due to my friendship with a Greek family. Their dish is to die for. This recipe does not replicate the real one, but as far as taste is is very good.
Making this was not very hard. I was skeptical about the rice noodles, but forged ahead anyway.
After baking this and pulling it out of the oven I was truly impressed.
The taste and texture was great, albeit not the Greek version, still a nice budget friendly version.
The only problem with this is I think it calls for too much cinnamon. My Greek friends make it with a subtle cinnamon taste. This recipe was more pronounced.
Other that fighting the urge to go back for 2nd's this was a success!
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Reseñas y Calificaciones
Making this was not very hard. I was skeptical about the rice noodles, but forged ahead anyway.
After baking this and pulling it out of the oven I was truly impressed.
The taste and texture was great, albeit not the Greek version, still a nice budget friendly version.
The only problem with this is I think it calls for too much cinnamon. My Greek friends make it with a subtle cinnamon taste. This recipe was more pronounced.
Other that fighting the urge to go back for 2nd's this was a success!