Sopa básica de frijoles toscanos

10 min prep time
28 min cook time
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Recipe by Robyn Webb, MS, LN Photo by Eric Hinders
Basic Tuscan Bean Soup

Cómo hacer Sopa básica de frijoles toscanos

10 min prep time
28 min cook time
1 cup
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. En una cacerola a fuego medio, calienta el aceite de oliva. Añadir las cebollas, el apio y las zanahorias y saltear durante 5 minutos. Añadir el ajo y el romero y saltear durante 1 minuto. Añadir el resto de ingredientes, excepto el vinagre y la albahaca. Llevar a ebullición. Reduce el el fuego y y cocina a fuego lento, parcialmente tapado, durante 20 minutos.
  2. Añadir el vinagre. Cubre con la albahaca antes de servir.

Información Nutricional

9 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 cup
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 140
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 3g 4%
    • Grasa Saturada 0.5g 3%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 210mg 9%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 22g 8%
    • Dietary Fiber 6g 21%
    • Total Sugars 6g
  • Proteína 7g
  • Potasio 460mg 10%
  • Phosphorous 145mg
albahaca fresca (minced)
2 tbsp
vinagre balsámico
2 tbsp
garbanzos (garbanzos) (rinsed and drained)
30 oz
tomates cortados en cubitos enlatados
14 oz
caldo de pollo o verduras
5 cup
romero fresco (minced)
2 tsp
ajo (minced)
4 clove
zanahorias) (diced)
apio (diced)
2 stalks
cebolla(s) (diced)
aceite de oliva
1 tbsp

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Overall Rating
Showing 4 of 5 Results


I liked the soup. I had fire roasted tomatoes and used them. I also added a bit of Cento tomato paste from their squeeze tube. Yes I would make this again


I liked it. It was not quick to make; leave time for preparation. It was pretty thin, not unexpected for a broth soup, but I did add whole wheat pasta shells for more body. Doesn't have a strong flavor. but it was nice.


I added more fresh garlic and some garlic powder. I think I liked it better before adding in the balsamic vinegar. A quick and easy soup to make. It was filling. I'll make this again and maybe add in some other ingredients to make it a little spicier.


Neither my husband nor I liked this recipe. It was not flavorful and had a bitter taste to it. The chickpeas and carrot combined were good but this one needs work.