Sopa De Camote Y Frijoles Negros

5 min prep time
30 min cook time
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Recipe by Emily Weeks, RDN, LD Photo by Emily Weeks, RDN, LD
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Soup

Cómo hacer Sopa De Camote Y Frijoles Negros

Esta sopa rica en fibra y proteínas es apta para diabéticos y veganos. El chile en polvo agrega un picante suave a esta sopa abundante que se equilibra con una cremosa leche de coco ligera. Esta sopa saludable también es excelente para usar como sobras o para preparar comidas para una semana de almuerzos o cenas fáciles.
5 min prep time
30 min cook time
½ cup
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta una olla grande a fuego medio.
  2. Agrega 1 cucharada de aceite de oliva y cebolla, ajo y jengibre a la olla. Cocine, revolviendo ocasionalmente, hasta que la cebolla se ablande, de 4 a 5 minutos.
  3. Agregue los frijoles negros, las batatas, el caldo, la leche de coco, los tomates y el chile en polvo. Llevar a fuego lento y cocinar, tapado, durante 15 a 20 minutos, hasta que las patatas estén tiernas.
  4. Agregue las espinacas tiernas hasta que se ablanden.

Información Nutricional

8 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    ½ cup
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 150
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 2g 3%
    • Grasa Saturada 1g 5%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 0mg 0%
  • Sodium 240mg 10%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 26g 9%
    • Dietary Fiber 8g 29%
    • Total Sugars 5g
    • Added Sugars 0g 0%
  • Proteína 7g
  • Potasio 475mg 10%
aceite de oliva
1 tsp
cebolla amarilla (picado)
1 small
ajo (picado)
2 clove
jengibre fresco (picado)
1 tsp
frijoles negros (escurrido y enjuagado)
22 oz
batatas (pelado y cortado en cubitos medianos)
2 large
caldo de pollo bajo en sodio
3 cup
leche de coco ligera
7 oz
tomates cortados en cubitos enlatados
14 oz
chile en polvo
1 tbsp
espinacas tiernas frescas
5 oz

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I like the soup. I am not sure it filled me up enough. I used unsweetened coconut milk and since it was not labeled lite
I used 6 ounces and replaced the other 7ounces with water. I am not a fan of spinach so I replaced with kale. The instructions are clear and concise. The preparation time took me much longer than 5 minutes to peel the sweet potatos and dice them and mince ( may have been a little bigger than minced) onion, the garlic minced, the ginger
minced. I had all the ingerediednts except needed an additional sweet potato, needed salt free chicken broth, and the coconut milk. So that was a plus. Agree with other person who posted it is much larger quantity than 3 servings, which would be 4 and 1/2 cups. The amount of coconut milk 13.5 oz and broth of 3 cups exceeds 4 1/2 cups. I like all tthe ingredients (except the spinach which I substituted). The soup did smell good while cooking I might add more chili powder and maybe some cumin. Yes the food in this recipe looks great. I am not sure I would make such a big quantity. I cook the meal only for myself.


Very very good! It made way more than only three servings. I could not find lite coconut milk so I found the equivalent to it using regular and you just use one third of the regular coconut milk and add two thirds water so I did 1/2 cup regular coconut milk and 1 cup water and mixed well. This was my first time using coconut milk and it was canned, I opened it and saw it was a solid in the can so I took out 1/2 cup of the thick white cream and mixed with my water. When I went to empty the rest of the can into a container I then discovered beneath the rest of the thick white cream was water that should have been mixed first with the cream, live and learn I say. It was still fantastic and we loved it!