Avena Horneada con Calabaza

10 min prep time
20 min cook time
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Recipe by Lara Rondinelli Hamilton, RD, LDN, CDE and Jennifer Bucko Lamplough Origen The Diabetes Cookbook
Baked Pumpkin Oatmeal

Cómo hacer Avena Horneada con Calabaza

Durante los meses de otoño, verás banquetes con sabor a calabaza desde café hasta donas. ¡Date un banquete con un platillo de calabaza saludable y delicioso! Esta avena es perfecta sobre una mañana de otoño.

10 min prep time
20 min cook time
1 cup
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Instrucciones paso a paso:

  1. Precalienta el horno a 375°F (191°C). Rocía un molde para hornear de 1.5 cuartos con aceite en aerosol.
  2. En un tazón grande, combina la avena, mezcla de azúcar moreno Splenda, canela, nuez moscada y polvo de hornear.
  3. En un tazón mediano, combina la leche, extracto de vainilla, calabaza, aceite y huevo.
  4. Añadir la mezcla de calabaza a la mezcla de avena; revuelve bien. Vierte la mezcla de avena dentro de un molde para hornear y hornea durante 20 minutos. Sirve caliente.

Información Nutricional

4 Porciones

  • Tamaño de la porción
    1 cup
  • Cantidad por porcion Calorías 280
  • % Daily value*
  • Grasa Total 8g 10%
    • Grasa Saturada 1.4g 7%
    • Grasas Trans 0g
  • Cholesterol 50mg 17%
  • Sodium 140mg 6%
  • Carbohidratos Totales 43g 16%
    • Dietary Fiber 6g 21%
    • Total Sugars 12g
  • Proteína 10g
  • Potasio 390mg 8%
  • Phosphorous 390mg
copos de avena a la antigua (uncooked)
2 cup
sustituto del azúcar moreno bajo en calorías
1/4 cup
canela molida
1 tsp
Nuez de tierra
1/8 tsp
Levadura en polvo
1 tsp
leche desnatada
1 cup
extracto de vainilla
1 tsp
pureed pumpkin
1 cup
aceite de canola
1 tbsp
huevos (beaten)
rociador para cocinar antiadherente

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Showing 4 of 7 Results


Before baking, I tasted the batter and decided it wasn't sweet enough for Mt liking so I added about a 1/4 cup of Splenda. After baking, I topped it eith zero sugar Reddi Whip. So good. Chef's kiss ????


This was delicious but I altered the recipe, I made crustless pumpkin pie for Thanksgiving and it was the recipe from the Splenda website, since I had some leftover I decided to make this recipe with it but I cooked it on the stove top instead of in the oven. I didn't use most of the ingredients since they were already used to make the pumpkin pie but I used the milk, cinnamon, vanilla extract, the old fashioned rolled oats, a cup of the pumpkin pie, and a little brown sugar Splenda. My family kept talking about how good the house smells when I was cooking this. They couldn't wait to eat it.This will be saved in my favorite recipes


Super delicious. Raised my blood sugar quite a bit so make sure not to eat too much like I did.


Absolutely delicious. However it did raise my blood sugar up 97 points. So it was too high. I made exactly as the recipe stated.